Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The saga

I made a hoodie. I thought it would be easy. For some reason this hoodie didn't want to be made. It all started when I bought the fabric. I decided I wanted to do two layers of flannel. So I bought enough for the outside, but in my infinite wisdom, figured I would need less for the inside. Yeah, it made sense at the time. Once I figured out I didn't have enough of the inner fabric, (as I was cutting it out) and acquired more, I thought I was good to go. I started sewing. I got most of it sewed. I sewed the pockets, then the body went together well, then the arms, then the hood. Next came the zipper. I'd only ever done one other zipper so I was worried. But I followed the instructions and only cussed a couple times to put it in. As soon as I held it up I realized that yes, I'd sewn the zipper in quite well, but unfortunately it wasn't a separating zipper. Yup, I'm dumb. So I had to pick it out, get a new zipper and put it in. Ok, next came the hem tape. I put in between the hood and the body. Not too bad, I think, I can finish this up pretty quick now. So I go to put it alongside the zipper on the inside. And I run out of thread. So close to finishing, this thing is still giving me crap. So I run and get more thread, and hurry and finish it before anything else can happen. It's not perfect, but I loves it.

Tate took this picture because I couldn't get a good shot all by myself. It's a little blurry but not too bad for a 5 yr old.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Apparently I'm old and have a big butt

Conversation with Tate a few days ago:
T-Mom, how many are you?
M-You mean , how old am I?
T- Yeah, are you....15?
M- Nope, older than that.
T- Are you.....18?
M- No, older than that.
T- Are you (big pause here) 20?
M- No, I'm even older than 20.
T- Well, I don't know what number you are.
M- I'm 30.
T- Wow......that's a lot!

Conversation yesterday while changing Dillon's diaper:
T-Mom, Dillon has a little butt
T- And I have a bigger butt than he does.
M-Yeah, you're a bigger kid than he is.
T-And you have the biggest butt of all!

It's a good thing he's cute!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Walk

On Saturday we went to the pumpkin walk they do every year. People make little scenes using pumpkins and other squashes. It's really quite creative. And the weather was beautiful. There was a Noah's Ark display. The elephant butts crack me up.
There were witches.
There were some military ones, a cool fishing one, one about a local mentally challenged guy who rides around on his bike, waving at everyone. It was really cool. Then they had a bunch of these painted-plywood-character-with-the-face-cut-out-things.
Clay and I even had to do one. :)
Anyhoo, it was a fun day and a good time was had by all.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

6 stitches

He looks awfully happy doesn't he? Little stink bonked his head last night and needed 6 stitches. He did really good. Didn't cry very much at all. We spent 2 hours in the ER that the little boys should have been in bed. Tate wasn't easy to get up this morning. But we did it. Then about an hour after I picked him up from school his teacher called me. Wanted to let me know the red mark on his cheek was from hitting a chair when he was running in the classroom. I was a little confused because there wasn't a mark on his cheek at all. Still, you would think after last night he would be a little bit careful?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Still Alive

Yes! We're still alive around here!
Summer has been fun. We've been swimming a lot, playing a lot, generally having a good time. We even went and stayed at my parents house for about 2 1/2 weeks. Just me and the kids and the dog. Driving almost 12 hours with 2 kiddies and a dog is fun times let me tell you.
I learned how to spin on a drop spindle. I went to a class with my mom. I didn't think I would get sucked in. But I did. It's a ton of fun!
Lets see, what else, I made my Dad a pair of socks and I helped the neighbor girl make a pair of jammie pants. I'm sure there was more. I just can't think of it right now.

Oh, and guess who started kindergarten today?

He was very excited. He had a hard time getting to sleep last night. The face in the second picture is a"mom, quit taking pictures of me and just let me go to school" look. I can't believe he's that old already. He had a ton of fun too. He said the teacher is nice and the kids are nice. I'm glad he's enjoying it. The house feels weird without him though.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Well Pbfffft

So much for being better about the blog huh? I have been doing stuff, and the computer was down for a while. Yea, I'll blame it all on that.
So Tate turned 5 on May 2nd. I can't believe it. The time just flies. The only thing he wanted was a skateboard. He's wanted one for quite a while and no amount of trying to substitute something else was working. So we got him one. I'm either totally insane or an awesome mom. Tate thinks I'm awesome. And he has no problem at all putting the safety gear on so I'm not going to complain. We also went bowling for his birthday. Thats what he wanted. No party, only one friend so that's what he got. He's easy to make happy. And it was fun.
I finished moms socks. I ended up having to totally redo them because I knit the first one too tight. I pretended everything was fine until I had my MIL try to put it on and she couldn't. She is tiny, only 4' 9" or so. My mom is bigger. But they turned out well the second time and she likes them.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hello Blog

Hi, I'm sorry I've neglected you. I will try and be better I promise. I'm going to blame it all on the crazy weather. One day will be in the 70's and the next day it's snowing. Today we have snow. Maybe I need to write to Mother Nature something along the lines of:
Dear Mother Nature,
Hi, just in case you didn't get the memo, spring officially started in March. It's now the end of April. The snow isn't funny anymore. Please fix this. kthxbai.
Anyhoo I made my sister some socks for her birthday

She really liked them. I'm glad because they turned out better than mine and I had a hard time giving them up. :) I also started on a hoodie sweater for me

this is the back of it. I'm thinking I may be crazy for attempting a sweater but as my hubby has pointed out, that hasn't stopped me before. I also am making my mom a pair of socks. I have one done and I've started on the other. She doesn't know about them so she'll get a surprise in the mail one of these days. They're just a plain blue color, I'm sure she'll like them. I'm also learning how to knit toe up on them. The other two pairs I made were cuff down. These socks also have a different heel and toe on them. I'm not sure which I prefer yet. I'll have to try another pair. I just know when my dad sees the socks for my mom he'll want some. Even though I made him a whole blankie for christmas. He's funny like that.
Well it looks as though it's quit snowing for a bit. Maybe I'll see what the little goobers and I can get into.

Friday, March 21, 2008


It's been busy around here. My birthday was last Friday. It was good I had a really good day. Then Sat I ended up feeling sick and that's only just started to go away.
Tate had a Dr. visit on Tues to get his last set of shots so he can go to kindergarten. Poor little guy got 4 shots. He screamed like a girl.
Thurs was spent running around getting a birth certificate for Tate, then going and getting all signed up for school. We were there over an hour so he could be assessed. He's a smartypants. I had to toddler wrestle the whole time. Dillon didn't want to be contained. He wanted to run amok. It made the hour seem like 3.
I also was informed by the lady getting us the birth certificate that my drivers licence expired on my birthday. Oops. So when my hubby got home I ran to the licence place and renewed. Luckily they give a little grace period so I didn't have to retake the test or anything.
Then I had bellydance class at 7:30. I am officially worn out. And we're out of bread and a few other things so I'm going to have to brave grocery shopping today sometime.
I need a vacation. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

ready for spring

I'm tired of snow. I'd like for it all to melt and go away. I want to get outside and do more in the yard. I did notice I have some bulbs coming up by the house. This makes me insanely happy and makes me think spring really will get here soon.
Can I just say also how tired of the Cruella De Vil song I am? 101 Dalmations came out last tuesday. Tate had seen a million commercials for it and wanted to buy it. All day tues he bugged me. I managed to put it off all day. Then at bedtime he looks at me and says "mom, we didn't get the puppy movie" he looked so sad. I melted. So I promised that we would for sure go the next day and get it. So at about 6:30 the next morning he comes and wakes me up. He's completely dressed and even has his shoes on. He says "I'm ready to go get the hundred thousand puppy movie, I even woke up Dillon" oy. I am not a morning person. It's a good thing he's so stinking cute. We went and got the movie. He's watched it everyday since and then goes around singing the song. Then it gets stuck in my head. I should just be thankful he's never seen Barney.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thinkin' cute

I've got two sick little boys so in between cleaning up poo and puke I'm trying to pretend I'm cute. I got my peasant shirt done the other day.
I'm happy with how it turned out. Now the weather can get warm so I can wear it and not freeze. My hubby of course says it isn't slutty enough. I wanted something I could wear in public. :) I have a couple of other patterns I want to do now. The next one I think will be hoodie. Maybe if I make it spring will get here. I have some of the fabric and it's nice and flowery. One thing I'd like to know is, what is it with cats and patterns?
Anytime I get one out here comes Gonzo to "help" me. I'm surprised I get anything done around here between the little boys and the animals help.
And on this note, here's hoping the boys get better and spring hurries up and gets here.

Monday, February 18, 2008

manic monday

I read about this contest and would love to win. My birthday is in March even. But I'm not going to hold my breath as I haven't ever really won anything.

Anyhoo, I was crazy today and went to Jo-Ann Fabrics. I should have known better seeing as it's Presidents Day and they're having crazy sales. But I wanted some fabric so I could make my peasant shirt. I've had the pattern for a while and with the sale and the coupon I had it will be pretty cheap. Cheap is good seeing as I've been calling it my slutty peasant shirt. ha ha. I had a maternaty one that was super cute and comfy so I wanted one that wasn't for big bellies. Although it may end up looking that way anyway. Such is life.
It took quite a while standing in line waiting for my turn to get my fabric cut. There were a bazillion people there. Lots of ladies loading up on the quilting fabric, and little me, with my one bolt of fabric, had to wait while they had 1/2 a yard of this and 1/4 yard of that on about 539 different bolts. Oy. It wouldn't have been so bad if Dillon hadn't decided to overflow his diaper, and then Tate was climbing on some stacked boxes and running around and around and around some yarn bins. I couldn't chase him, otherwise I'd lose my place in line and there was at least a mile behind me already. Usually he stays right by me, today, not so much. And I could have done without the nasty looks from uppity old lady. I'm sure your little darlings never had days like this. sheesh.

Well, I'd better go work on cutting out some fabric while the Dillon-zilla is down for a nap. I don't get much done with him "helping"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I finished doing our taxes last night, got the federal e-filed and got the state return in the mail today, so I feel very accomplished. I'm doing as little as possible today. It's also snowing outside so it's the perfect day to just hang out inside with some hot chocolate. I can't say there is peace and quite in here though....not with 2 boys... but as long as they're not crying I'm not going to complain. :)

These pictures are off my phone. They seem relaxing to me.

Friday, January 25, 2008


I got pampered today. I went with a couple friends and had a pedicure. That's something I'd never done until this morning. My toenails are now a very pretty sparkly pink. And to top it all off my one friend decided she was going to pay. So I got my feet rubbed and massaged and painted pretty, free. whoo hoo! I tried to take pictures but I learned that 1. it's not easy to take a good foot picture, and 2. my feet really aren't that cute. So all spare everyone that sight. :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

show off day

Because I don't have much to say, but I finally found the camera card reader thingy, here are a couple things I made:
This is my first ever sock. It's slightly wonky and has a few mistakes but I love it just the same. I'm working on the other one so I can dance around with 2 socks I made and not just one. So far the second one is turning out better but don't tell this one that. I'll like them equally. :)

This is a blankie I knitted for my Dad for Christmas. He's a truck driver so I tried to come up with a present that he could use that he could take on his truck. Turns out this was just the thing. He was so tickled to get it! And he's hard to get things for.
Anyhoo, I'm gonna go work on my sock some more. Once it's done I've got a second pair planned for my sis for her birthday in Mar. So until next time....

Saturday, January 12, 2008

sick again

ugh. I started feeling icky wed night, tried to convince myself I wasn't getting sick, finally broke down and called the Dr Thurs night for an apointment Fri and found out what I already knew. I have strep throat again. Luckily I'm the only one sick. I'm really hoping the boys all stay well.

And in good news I almost have a knitted sock. I've had to restart it a few times now otherwise I'm sure I'd have it done. And still I've got mistakes in it. But I'm past the confusing heel part and in the home stretch. Then I'll just have to do the other one. I'm so excited for socks I've made myself it's not even funny. I'm glad I have a husband that kinda humors me every time I hold it up after doing maybe two rows (not much progress) "lookie lookie!" he'll smile and nod.

Well, I've got a whole day of doing as little as I can possibly get away with planned so I better get at it. :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy Happy New Year!!!

Hope all is well and good out there in blog land!
We've had wonderful holidays around here. Santa came by so we must have been good. :) Now all the seasonal stuff has been put away around here we can get back to some kind of normal. (yea right :) )
Anyhoo, now we have this brand new, fresh year started. I wonder what it will bring? I'm hoping only good things as we've had our share of not so fun stuff. Which reminds me, I don't do resolutions. I'm always making goals for myself so I don't do a big new year thing. Instead I had someone tell me about how they write down things they learned during the past year and I liked that idea so much I stole it. You don't have to write down only things like , I learned to oil paint. you can write down how you learned feeding hot dogs and orange juice to a toddler that isn't feeling too well is a bad idea. (just examples) Sometimes when you write all those kinds of things down it makes you feel like you accomplished quite a bit instead of a big list of goals for the next year that you may or may not ever do.
My list is pretty long this year. I learned quite a bit. One thing is that I'm stronger as a person than I was even a year ago. It's amazing what I can handle that I wouldn't have thought I could. My little Dillon started having seizures last Jan. He had his first one while we were at the mechanic having the car inspected. I amazingly didn't break down until we had made it up to the Dr and my husband showed up. Poor little guy. I also learned I have a jillon things to be thankful for. (something I learn pretty often but sometimes forget ya know? ) I'm really thankful for all the Dr's and Nurses that helped out. And I'm thankful for the medicine that seems to be doing a good job of keeping the seizures away. He's only had a total of 7 and the last one was in April. Keeping my fingers crossed that he'll go at least 2 years without one so we don't have to force medicine into him every night.
Wow. That was more than I'd intended to write about that.
Anyway there were good times and bad times, but I think the good still outweighed the bad. Here's hoping this year is even better!